NeXTanswers :: 1433 :: downloading PostScript to WindowServer

Q: When can I download PostScript code to the Window Server? Can I use the +initialize methods for factory objects? 언제 PostScript코드를 Windows Server에 다운로드 할 수 있나요? Factory객체의 +initialize 메소드를 사용하면 되나요? A: Object class +initialize methods cannot download PostScript code to the Window Server because they are run before the connection to the […]

NeXTanswers :: 1436 :: mixing objective-C and C code

Q:  How does one mix C and Objective-C code?  How can one call Objective-C from C? 어떻게하면 Objective 코드와 C를 같이 쓸 수 있나요? 어떻게 C에서 Objective C를 호출할 수 있나요?  A:  Just do it!  C functions can freely send Objective-C messages, and Objective-C methods can freely call C functions.   For an example, look at […]

NeXTanswers :: 2591 :: Objective C vs C++

Title: C++ vs. Objective C Entry Number: 2589 Creation Date: January 27, 1998 ….Overview ….Benefits of C++ ….Benefits of Objective C ….An Objective C Primer Overview “I already know C++. Why do I have to learn Objective C?” 나는 이미 C++을 알고있습니다. 왜 Objective C를 배워야 하나요? Objective C and C++ are different in their […]

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